SESSION 3: Why Law?


100 big ideas designed to change everything

SESSION 3: Why Law?

This session aims to provide a snapshot into the principles that underly laws and regulate human interaction. Taking an example from a historic case, questions regarding the sources of law will be raised/discussed. Participants will be invited to consider theories that we rely on when punishing people for breaking laws.

Ms. Angbeen Atif Mirza will focus on ‘Why Law?” 

Join her and participate in an interactive 75-minutes session.

What you will learn:

  1. Examine different theories that underly punishment and sentencing in criminal law,
  2. Present arguments from different points of view, 
  3. Evaluate arguments for and against a certain point, and
  4. Examine the policy considerations that inform laws.
Ms. Angbeen Mirza

Angbeen Atif Mirza is an Assistant Professor at the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law, LUMS. She holds a B.A., LL.B from LUMS (2008), and an LL.M from the University of Michigan Law School (2010). She is the Faculty Director for the LUMS Office of Accessibility and Inclusion. She also serves on the Board of Digital Rights Foundation, a cyber rights organization working in Pakistan.

She is involved in human rights work in various capacities. Angbeen’s primary area of interest lies in clinical legal education, specifically street law, live client clinics, and access to justice work. Currently, her area of focus is on paralegal education in the areas of citizenship, basic civic education, women’s right to property and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. She is also working on improving and encouraging conversations and action around accessibility, inclusion, consent, harassment and bystander interventions at LUMS. 



Friday, March 03, 2023

Section 1: 10:00 - 11:15 am    
Section 2: 03:00 - 04:15 pm

Friday, March 10, 2023

Section 3: 10:00 - 11:15 am    
Section 4: 03:00 - 04:15 pm 

Auditorium B-3, SDSB Building