Global Parents Day: Celebrating Parenthood Together!
The Human Resources department at LUMS organised a session on Global Parents Day on June 1, 2022. The session was led by keynote speakers Dr. Maliha Latif Asad and Mrs. Iram Qazi. Dr. Asad is the Director of IMPACT and Autism Care Centre, and a licensed Clinical and Occupational Health Psychologist, while Mrs. Qazi has over 40 years of experience in teaching and administration. The event brought together Daycare parents, faculty, and staff members.
Dr. Asad shared tips on how parents can promote and incorporate good behaviours in children by using rewards and positive reinforcement. She discussed scenarios where parents accidentally reward bad behaviour, gratify overly demanding children, and how mild punishments can discourage misbehaviour. She emphasised the role of love and warmth in building a healthy relationship with children and how open communication with them will further strengthen it.
While giving her address, Mrs. Qazi discussed the important issues she observed in her experience in dealing with children. She highlighted that the joys of becoming a parent and raising a healthy child with unconditional love come with responsibilities such as taking care of their health, diet, and so much more. She also discussed the effects of early exposure to electronic devices, social media, and interactive games. She stressed that parenting styles need to be modified according to modern-era challenges.
A spirited and interactive Q&A session brought the session to a conclusion on a light-hearted and cheerful note. A certificate and a shield were presented to both speakers as a token of appreciation. The attendees had positive feedback and expressed their enthusiasm to attend such sessions in the future.