Founding Pro Chancellor, Syed Babar Ali Engages with SBA Scholarship Fund Recipients
An interactive donor-student session featuring the recipients of the Syed Babar Ali (SBA) Scholarship Fund was organised on August 29, 2023 at LUMS. The programme has been generously supported by Syed Babar Ali, Founding Pro Chancellor, LUMS since 2008.
Syed Babar Ali warmly welcomed the students and appreciated their hard work. “Your journey to LUMS is a testament to your capabilities. All of you have been selected on merit so remember that you belong here. Hard work and dedication should be your compass.”
He encouraged the students to look beyond academics and explore, engage, and embrace the opportunities provided at the University. “Broaden your horizons and seize every chance to learn, for the knowledge you gain here will forever shape your path. Work hard, be humble and you can never go wrong. As you graduate and venture into the world, remember to give back and help others in accessing the LUMS experience,” he advised.
He urged the students to develop distinctive personalities shaped by values of tolerance, integrity, and honesty. “As you emerge as LUMS graduates, aspire to stand out in a crowd, distinguished by your individuality and values. While degrees and grades reflect your academic journey, never forget that your personal character holds more weight than degrees or grades ever will.”
Syed Aslam Mehdi, Director and Group Head External Affairs at Packages Ltd. also attended the session. Addressing the students, Mr. Mehdi said, “The opportunities you're privileged to avail at LUMS are unparalleled. Maintain your unwavering commitment to hard work and determination, and this will lead you towards success. As you achieve your goals, aspire to be a role model to others within your community, and the region where you come from. Your journey at LUMS has the power to inspire others to pursue their dreams and join this remarkable institution.”
The scholarship recipients appreciated Syed Babar Ali for his vision and passion for educating the youth. They acknowledged LUMS to be a guiding source as they shared the challenges they faced in their academic journeys. The students also expressed their intention to give back to the University after graduation.
Zoya Attiqe, a student at the session, said, “When Syed Babar Ali stated, ‘I don't want anything in return. I just want you to be happy and successful,” my dreams felt more real than ever. I realised how fortunate I am to be given this opportunity, and how genuinely he wants to see us succeed. The way he cares for us is just incredible. I'm determined to make him proud and show him that his hard work has really paid off.”
The session concluded with a lunch where the students networked with each other and also interacted with Syed Babar Ali.