April 8, 2021
We are excited to announce that Coca-Cola Icecek Pakistan is coming to LUMS to conduct a virtual recruitment drive for their upcoming Management Trainee Programme. The session will provide details regarding the programme and the selection process. It will also be an opportunity to interact with the organisation's senior leadership.
Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021
Time: 5:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Venue: via Zoom
For the Zoom link, please email Khaqan Ali at khaqan.ali@lums.edu.pk
Please join the meeting at least 10 minutes in advance to ensure connectivity and time management. All participants are requested to keep their mics and cameras off in order to avoid interruptions. Since this will be an interactive session, participants are encouraged to use the chat to ask questions during the presentations. However, the forum for two-way interactions will be towards the end of the session.