March 4, 2020
The session will be conducted by Professor Bruce Wainman. Dr. Wainman, is the Director of the Education Program in Anatomy as well as the Surgical Skills Lab at McMaster University.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Wainman is a Professor in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, an Associate Member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at McMaster University an Adjunct Member of the Department of Surgery and the Coordinator of Biological Sciences for the Ontario Midwifery Consortium.
He lectures at McMaster mainly on anatomy, pharmacology and reproductive physiology to the MD, undergrad health sciences and Midwifery programs and is a McMaster Teaching and Learning Fellow in the MacPherson Institute. For his teaching activities he has received the McMaster Student Union award for teaching four times, the 2013 President’s Award for Educational Innovation, the Canadian Association for Medical Education Certificate of Merit Award for 2015, Osler Lecture Award for 2016 and a 3M National Teaching Fellowship in 2016.