LUMS Holds #PinkTogether: A Breast Cancer Awareness Event
With a common and unified mandate rooted in awareness on health to create sustainable societal impact, LUMS partnered with Pink Ribbon-Pakistan, Cancer Care Hospital & Research Center, and Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Centre to organise a multi-faceted programme titled, #PinkTogether: A Breast Cancer Awareness Event.
Held on October 27, the event aimed at educating the community on breast cancer, destigmatizing the conversation through awareness and initiating health incentives for the female community at LUMS. This collaborative effort involved the Centre for Business and Society, Human Resources, Campus Health and the LUMS Community Service Society (LCSS).

The day began with a panel discussion that revolved around symptoms and treatment of breast cancer, championing the survivors and the responsibilities and psychological impact on the caretakers of individuals battling breast cancer. Following this, the female audience of the event was given a self-check tutorial led by a breast cancer surgeon. A full-day medical camp was also set-up at the LUMS Medical Centre. Lastly, the day ended with an awareness walk led by the students of LCSS, along with event partners, University’s faculty and staff.